So you're basically letting him have his cake and eat it too?

Aren't you worried that when she finally makes a choice, it won't be you?

You seriously make your partners stick to a schedule? The whole point of poly is to be free!

How can you believe that something like this could ever last?

The other woman? Deep down, don't you wish she wasn't there?

What do you mean you 'don't identify as poly'? Are you ashamed of your partners?

So you're part of this 'open relationship' trend? It's all a bit of a fad, isn't it?

...and then they just said 'fuck you'!
Same for me!
How rude!

No no, there's been a misunderstanding. I wasn't saying 'fuck you', I was referring you to my relationship FAQs. Here, I brought copies.


Don't you think this poly thing is just a popular fad? Are you doing this for attention?
FUCK YOU my relationships are none of your business.

How do you think your partner's wife REALLY feels about you?
FUCK YOU my relationships are none of your business.

Do you mind if I ask this question about your relationships or sex life that is far more invasive than anything I would dream of asking about a monogamous relationship?
FUCK YOU my relationships are none of your business.

What you are doing is wrong.
That isn't a question. Also, FUCK YOU, your opinions are irrelevant to me.

You are doing poly wrong.
This also isn't a question. Also FUCK YOU. Seriously. Fuck you.


New comic! It is really hard to describe how little I care about what people think about my relationships. But they sure do seem to have a lot of opinions! And questions, so many questions. Look, I get that it's somewhat unusual, but that does not mean you can ask me about how many people I have sex with, acquaintance-I-hardly-know. French translation via Mouton.