Having multiple relationships just sounds so complicated.

Eh, less than you'd think.

I mean, what happens when more than one partner wants to go to the same event as a date, or they get double booked for a date night or something?

Well, you'd think that a combination of online calendars, future scheduling, flexibility, and kindness would address that, but the truth is...

A Conflict is declared. Friends and family are summoned to bear witness the clash - a secret ritual by which nonmonogamous logistics are settled.

Both parties select a champion to represent them in the Polygon.

The combatants are gagged, representing our vow to never talk out our problems or communicate about our insecurities or fears to each other.

The community witnesses the combat, chanting lines from The Ethical Slut.

The conflict is settled when a champion chooses not to or is unable to stand up.

Having wont he right to the Date Night, the couple leave to enjoy their evening. The witnesses disband, and the remaining champion and representative do penance by drinking the Bitter Tea.

Haha, good one.


New comic! Ok, I could get in a lot of trouble for telling you this, so you all keep it just between us, ok?