…so I guess what I’m wondering is…

How much of what I’m experiencing is reasonable grief and sadness at a world that seems intent on becoming more cruel and indifferent towards not only me and other people, but the literal planet as well…

…and how much of this is a symptom of my mental illness worsening, in a way I need to be concerned about? How much is my illness distorting the issues and impacting my ability to cope in healthy ways?

Are these symptoms generally in proportion to the environment I’m in? Or are the product of a brain that literally has issues perceiving the environment correctly?

Yes, that is the question isn’t it?

oh my god you don’t know, do you

No, I don’t.

But we can figure it out.


New comic! Finally got an appointment to see my psychiatrist. It's not fair to expect her to have all the answers, but a robot can hope. The answer here, btw, is pretty obviously 'both' - it is reasonable to be sad and angry about what's happening, and reasonable to have that affect me in various ways. At the same time, issues with my compulsive disorder and some of my perception distortions are obviously cropping up. They influence each other. Mental health doesn't take place in a vacuum! Anyways, i'm lucky to have a doctor who's willing to work with me. Likely looking at a medication adjustment at least in the near future, so fingers crossed that goes well.