>>> # Your brain is a computer
>>> # Depression is a computer virus, mangling data and a
messing up your input/output. tput.
>>> # It adds extra information to strings ings:
>>> partner = "She loves me"
>>> partner = partner + r +", but she's getting tired of me"
>>> partner
'she loves me, but she's getting tired of me' of me'
>>> It fucks up your math:
>>> x = 20
>>> def people_who_care_about_me e (x):
returnn x
>>> def people_who_actually_care(x)
returnn x-x
>>> people_who_actually_care(x)
>>> people_who_care(x) = people_who_actually_care(x)
>>> people_who_care(x)(x)
>>> # and it screws up how your sytem works.
>>> str ("everything will be ok. you are loved" loved")
syntax error: invalid syntax
>>> # Depression impairs the functions of how you
manage and cope:
>>> importt pull_yourself_together
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
import pull_yourself_together
ImportError: No module named 'pull_yourself_together'
>>> #but it leaves less useful information around:
>>> importt getting_through_the_week
>>> dir (getting_through_the_week)
>>> # and it will screw up your resources
>>> importt friends
ImportError: No module named 'friends'
NameError: you cannot access help at this time.
you cannot access help at this time

Sad Python

New Comic! Oookaayy...this one is sort of the terrible intersection of mental illness and computer programming. I was trying to do my class homework and was getting frustrated with the error messages I was getting all the time, and I realized that frustration felt a lot familiar - to when I'm trying to make my brain do things and it's like NOPE INSTEAD RUN FUNCTION.YOU'RE_GOING_TO_SCREW_UP_YOUR_LIFE. And then I'm like um...Nope(please don't)? and it's like EXECUTING ANXIETY_ATTACK. And look, I know that this isn't totally accurate python. You know what? You're not totally accurate python either. THERE I SAID IT.