Robot Hugs: the comic: the end

Well hello there!

I'm here to wrap this puppy up!

I haven't been posting much for the last year or so, and I don't feel like I'm going to get back into the weekly comic schedule, so I'm gonna call it here and say: Robot Hugs, the comic? It's done.

I've really enjoyed getting to know you a little, through social media, email, and meeting you in real life! A lot of you have sent me personal stories about how a comic has touched you, and that has meant the world to me. Others have used my comics for really interesting events and applications, and I feel very honoured to make material that you have found insightful and useful. 

But I don't want to do it anymore. I don't want to spend my free time producing these comics. I work in front of a computer. I'm spending a third of my life in front of a computer. And I don't want to spend my home life in front of a computer either. I only have a little free time in my life, and I've decided to use it for things I really actually enjoy. 

And the internet? I don't enjoy it that much. I use it, and it's useful. I like it as a resource, and I even enjoy some of its social aspects. But I've realized that I don't enjoy producing stuff for the internet, and I don't appreciate how much stuff I need to do to protect myself on here. I don't feel safe here. And this comic isn't worth feeling not safe. And to be clear, I am specifically talking about not feeling safe as a trans person, as a mentally ill person, and as a person who has already experienced their share of physical violence. I don't need it. I owe myself the gift of safety. 

So I'm gonna mix up the site a bit, make the home page more of a blog, and start documenting the cool stuff I like to make. I think some of you may like it. Some of you probably won't. That's ok! I hope you all find webcomics and creative people and artists that make you feel seen and loved. 

I'm here, and I'm ok. The comic did its job, and now it's retiring. I'm excited for what I get to do next, and I really, really do hope I see you all out there. 

With lots and lots of love, 

Robot Hugs.