Ahhh! Who the hell are you?
It's me! I mean, it's you! I'm you from 10 years in the future!
Oh god, look at you. Is there some kind of cataclysm or apocalypse or something?
No, no, everything's generally fine.
Jeez, thanks though.
No, I just wanted to tell you that even though things feel really rough right now, you're going to be ok.
You have 2 amazing people who love you, a cool job, a handful of pretty neat friends, and a fairly popular webcomic.
Oh wow, so all this pain and suffering and agonizing mental illness is going to be worth it?
And I'll be ok? Like, I won't have to take pills every single day?
No, we still take those...
But they work really well, right? Like, we don't have wildly disproportionate emotional reactions to mild stimuli anymore, and our fingers aren't always torn and bleeding anymore?
Look, you're not better. But you get a lot better at dealing with this stuff.
So.. is that it? You don't have anything to warn me about? Anything I should do differently?
Um, no. I can honestly tell you that you will spend the next 10 years trying your very best and this is what it gets you.
Ooh, actually - if you'd like to avoid accidentally puking in your shoulder bag in the middle of a crowded intersection in downtown Toronto one afternoon, I'd avoid Taco Bell indefinitely.
Now that I can use.
You're welcome.