We ran a 5k charity race and obstacle course this weekend.

The Tough Mudder is in a month, and this was a good little practice. The charity run is a little less than a third of the length of the Mudder, which much more forgiving obstacles.

I thought it would be a breeze...

5k isn't so bad! I usually walk more than that every day. Plus, when we were doing interval training, we were doing more than that in under an hour! This shouldn't be too hard.

Holy crap running in sand is hard.

It's me. I'm the slow one.

I'm going back to New York this week to get my suit and shirts fitted. They should be delivered by the end of the month.

I'm nervous.

What if it doesn't fit? What if the fabrics don't look good? What if this was a giant waste of money? What if people laugh at me?

It's going to be ok



New comic! This weekend was one of hubris for me, as one of my teammates for the run had a pretty badly sprained ankle and I was like 'there there, you set the pace, we'll stick with you, don't push yourself' and then she literally left me in the dust. Anyways it's a complicated time.