A moment of kindness.

This summer I had a minor surgery. It went fine.

Even the best hospitals can feel so inhuman.

Forms, gowns, needles, waiting...

Finally, one moment I was awake, the next I wasn't.

I opened my eyes in the recovery room.

A woman was in the bed next to me. She had also just had a surgery.

Are you ok?

Yeah. I think so.

Are you?


We're ok.


I think that was the most human thing to happen to me that day.


New comic! This was just a really long frustrating, invasive day, and there was this woman who was going through her own long and invasive day and I remember her checking in with me, even though she didn't need to, even though there probably wasn't much she could do. I don't know, I was on a bunch of painkillers. It felt so kind and thoughtful. I remember her.